Diabetes – the disease which is caused when there is a high level of blood sugar level in your body. The disease is also known as one of the deadliest diseases and around 70 million people are reportedly affected by this condition in India, which is why the country is also known as the diabetes capital of the world. If you notice sudden changes in your body such as – urge for frequent urination, skin rashes that just doesn’t leave you, extreme fatigue and oral problems then know that you should first get your blood sugar checked and see if you are suffering from something really serious, so you can get a hold of it immediately before it is too late. You will be surprised to know that type 2 diabetes can actually damage some of your organs permanently and there is no way you can reverse it. Scared? You can always manage the condition and stop it from affecting your body. What causes such permanent damages? It’s your lifestyle. According to the experts, many patients who are suffering from this condition fail to manage the symptoms with proper lifestyle changes, and this leads to permanent damage of the body parts. Let’s understand how that happens and what are the ways in which you can easily manage this condition. Also Read – Diabetes treatment: This allopathic drug combination can help you manage this condition

Diabetes – Here’s What Triggers This Condition

Diabetes can damage your body from head to toe if not managed properly on time and also can lead to several serious health problems that can stay with you forever. To manage the condition, you need to know what exactly triggers this condition and what are the symptoms can tell you about the disease. Also Read – Diabetes: Not just sugar, stay away from these foods to keep diabetes at bay

The level of sugar in your blood increases when there is a lack of insulin – a hormone that is produced by the pancreas. Diabetes can be triggered by various factors. Some of them are – your age, your weight (people who are obese are at higher risk of getting this condition), your lifestyle and eating habits, smoking and drinking habits, etc. Also Read – More than half of 20-year-olds in India’s metros ‘likely to develop diabetes’ in lifetime

Diabetes Can Damage Your Body Parts Permanently

High sugar levels in your blood can also damage your body parts permanently and thus managing this condition on priority is extremely important. Here we tell you what are these organs can get affected by type 2 diabetes so that you can alter your daily habits and save them before it’s too late.

Diabetes Can Wreck Havoc On Your Heart

Type 2 diabetes has been linked to heart damage. Yes, your heart is at risk if you are suffering from this condition. It can also raise your risk of heart attacks.

Beware! Your Liver Is At Risk Too

Did you know type 2 diabetes can up your risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases? Yes. When a person suffers from diabetes, the condition can lead to an excess build-up of fat in your liver, even if you consume a little alcohol.

Diabetes Can Damage Your Feet Nerves

According to the reports, almost half of the patients who are suffering from diabetes have reported some kind of problems related to diabetic neuropathy or nerve damage. One of the most common nerve damage which has been reported among diabetic patients is nerve damages in the feet and legs – also known as ‘diabetic feet‘. Type 2 diabetes can also cause you to lose feeling in your feet.

Your Eyes Can Get Damaged Permanently

Yes, your eye is at risk too. Diabetes can leave you with several health complications and one of them is a diabetic eye. It is a group of eye problems that can affect diabetics badly. Some of the known eye diseases due to diabetes may include – retinopathy, diabetic macular edema, glaucoma, and cataracts. If you fail to manage this health condition on time and let it sit on you for more than months, you may end up losing your vision completely.

Your Kidneys Too Are At Risk

Kidneys are the most affected organ of your body when you are suffering from type 2 diabetes. This condition can cause severe damage to the blood vessels available in your kidneys which are responsible for the filtration of unwanted liquid from your body. This can trigger kidney problems and can even lead to kidney damage.

Diabetes Can Cause Chronic Skin Diseases

Skin problems are very common among diabetics. A person suffering from diabetes is at high risk of suffering from severe skin problems such as dry skin, skin wounds that just don’t heal, and rashes. Such symptoms can also lead to chronic skin infections and thus damage your skin cells.

Your Tongue Can Also Get Affected By Diabetes

Most diabetic patients suffer from oral problems as soon as the disease kicks in. Oral issues such as salivary gland dysfunction, geographic tongue, etc are very common symptoms. Some of these symptoms if not managed on time can lead to permanent damage to your tongue.

Manage The Condition With These Lifestyle Changes

Now, we would like to let you know that you can actually manage the symptoms and not let your organs get affected permanently. Yes, it is possible. Here’s how.

Follow A Healthy Diet Routine

Indulge in some healthy diet to control diabetes. Healthy eating is always a key to manage serious health conditions. Sticking to a planned and balanced diet with proper proportions of protein, carbs, and fats is the cornerstone of diabetes management.

Health experts say if you are obese then make sure to consume low-carb, low-fat, and low-calorie meals. As obesity can worsen your diabetic health conditions.

Do Not Forget To Exercise Regularly

Exercising regularly is very important to ward off major diseases and their symptoms. Maintaining a good exercise routine can help you to strengthen your immunity and help you stay away from diseases.

Never Miss To Monitor Your Blood Sugar Level

When you are suffering from diabetes it is very important to make sure to track your blood sugar level daily. This can help you stay alert and adopt preventive measures on time.

Keep A Close Check On Your Body

One of the best ways to manage diabetes is to keep a good check on your body and if you notice anything abnormal then making sure to get yourself checked by a good physician. As discussed above, some of the warning signs and symptoms may include severe changes in your body’s daily activities.

Remember you can manage diabetes and its conditions when you can get a hold of the disease on time.

Published : February 18, 2021 11:52 am | Updated:February 18, 2021 11:55 am
